General Industry Info: How much will I make as a Dispatcher?



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When looking for a dispatching position, we want to find as much general industry info/news/ tips on dispatchers as we can. What is the first question that comes to mind? The first thing most people ask is, “How much does it pay?” Even if they don’t ask out loud, it’s what most people are thinking. Of course, it’s important to know exactly how much you’re going to be paid for the work you do, but you can get an idea here.

How much a dispatcher makes depends on a number of different things, but the median annual salary is roughly $38,500 per year. This number is derived from a large collection of data including things like the amount of experience and education the dispatcher has, the industry he or she works in, and even the location of the company by which he or she is employed.

What this number means is that half of the dispatchers make less than this amount, but the other 50% make more. Some of them make quite a bit more. You can find more general industry info at salary is based on experience in part, you have an opportunity to increase your salary the longer you are with the company.

Education also plays a role in determining the amount of your annual income, so even though you can usually find a dispatcher job without having gone to college, you may want to consider taking some classes related to your field or industry. You can even continue your education after you’re hired, to increase your salary. Inquire about college reimbursement, as some companies have programs to help with higher education expenses.

You can compare companies in your area to see which ones offer the best salary and benefits. Some benefits are more important than others to different people. Find as much general industry info you can, so you can get the job you really want.

Dispatching is a very important job. Many companies cannot function without skilled dispatchers. You aren’t just helping move product, you’re helping people. Get started on your new career today.

Check back often for more general industry info/news/ tips on Dispatchers.

Juggling a Family and Career: How to Survive



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It’s the age old dilemma: how to have a successful career and maintain a happy and healthy relationship with your family. This is a problem that working men and women face, and those who work odd hours such as nights, weekends, and holidays often struggle to find balance more than those who work a straight 8-5 job. A dual income household can find themselves at their wits ends, thinking there just aren’t enough hours in the day to handle everything on their to-do list. The good news is, there are some ways to manage everything on your plate and still have time to relax with your family. Here are 3 tips for how to survive juggling a family and career:
  1. Prioritize Family Events: This might be easier said than done, but it’s important to prioritize which family events you can attend and which will have to go on without you. If your kids are on a sports team that plays games during a time you are normally scheduled to work, it just isn’t feasible for you to try to be there at every game. Instead, see if you can get the day off, or even take a vacation day if you have to, for the most important game. The same thought process goes for birthday parties, weddings, etc. Figure out what you absolutely cannot miss and make every attempt to be at those events. Your family will understand that your work schedule just doesn’t allow you to be at everything, but adjusting your work schedule for the most important events ensures that you don’t miss out on everything.
  2. Set Boundaries: Unless you have a pressing work emergency, all work should remain at work. Don’t check your emails when you’re at home, and don’t take business calls that can wait until you’re back in the office. The same rule goes the other way: when you’re at work, avoid dealing with family issues or holding personal calls. Work is work, home is home, and setting boundaries is an important step in maintaining a separation.
  3. Hire it out: Work with your partner to see what extra housework can be done by someone else so that you can spend more time as a family. Cleaning services can make a big difference in how your house looks and feels, and you can spend your family time together instead of scrubbing floors. Grocery shopping can now be done online, and there are even services that provide fully cooked home made meals to take home and heat up. Lawn service is another very reasonably priced option to consider, particularly during the summer months. Decide with your family and partner what you can afford to hire out in order to have more quality time together.

Having a career and family can be great. Use these tips to start organizing your life so that you can be happy and fulfilled both at home and at work.

How to Protect Your Small Business Ideas



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howto   For small businesses, protecting your ideas – that is, your intellectual property – involves patents, trademarks, trade dress, and websites. Any business with original artwork, photography, computer programs, inventions, writing and/or a distinctive brand should consider protecting their intellectual property from theft.

Small businesses may lack the knowledge, expertise, or resources to prevent their intellectual property from being stolen. A study by the USPTO found that, astoundingly, only 15 percent of small businesses conducted business overseas knew to file for intellectual property protection abroad.

This being said, here are several ways to protect your small business’s ideas.


Though many small businesses don’t have products or services that can be patented, it’s worth knowing that they can protect any inventions they come up with with patents. What’s more, patents can open doors for licensing and cross-licensing opportunities.


A trademark is a combination of signs or images distinctive to your small business. Think of it as claiming your brand so that no one can copy legally it. In this sense, trademarking protects your business for the long-run.


Work is much easier to steal and copy with the Internet, which is an issue many small businesses are facing. However, when you copyright your work, your the only one who can use it in anyway you like. The great thing is once you’ve created and shared your work, copyright laws are automatically enforced. Therefore, if anyone tries to take your work without a license they will get in trouble for it.

Some things that apply to copyright laws are web content and copy, graphics, and marketing materials.

Protecting Your Data

It’s a good idea to have a security plan involving mobile device policies, social networks, and trade secrets to make sure that all of your data is protected. Furthermore, you can security tools like MobileIron to assist your data protection.

If you would like to learn more about intellectual property for small businesses, visit our website.


1. “Why should small businesses protect their intellectual property?” (

2. “Unleashing Small Business Through IP” (Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council)

Three Common Sense Customer Service Tips



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customer-service  Most customers want to feel like they matter. If you make them feel valued, you can earn their loyalty. These common sense customer service tips can help:

Speak softly and carry a big Stick

Okay, you can’t actually carry a big stick (or use one on obnoxious customers) but the sentiment is the same. Talking softly will often help diffuse the situation. If you raise your voice along with an angry customer, he or she is more likely to escalate. By remaining calm and speaking gently, you are more likely to get a less volatile response instead of further outbursts. The customer will also feel like you are deferring to him or her, and that usually makes a big difference in their attitude.

The Customer is always right

You will often see this statement amongst common sense customer service tips. Unfortunately, it isn’t true. The customer is in fact frequently wrong. It just doesn’t matter. You can argue all day long, but being right isn’t going to retain customers. So, stop asking, “Who’s right?” and start asking, “What can we do to make this right?” Many times, people just want acknowledgment. Make customers feel valued by doing whatever you can to resolve their issues, or at least make them feel validated, even when they’re wrong. Even if you can’t give them a refund or, they will feel better knowing that you tried to do something for them.

Take them by the Hand

Some customers will not take the extra step to find the best deals. It may seem counterproductive to show customers how to save money, since you want their money, but it can pay off over time. Long term customers will often feel slighted by offers that are only for new customers or by learning that there was a discount that they didn’t receive. It’s just good business to make sure loyal customers remain loyal, by making them feel special with special offers from time to time.

Providing great customer service isn’t always easy, but making customers feel respected and valued with these common sense customer service tips will keep them coming back.

Top Marketing Strategies for Your Small Business



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So you have a great idea for a small business. You’ve done the grunt work, crunched the numbers, and are ready to set up your operation. To make sure you stay in business once you open, though, you need to ensure you have a steady stream of customers. Here are some tips for marketing for your small business:

  • Figure out your customer: You probably already have a least a basic idea of who you are seeking out as a customer. To get even more specific, though, consider doing some in-depth  market research. You may be surprised by finding a customer base you weren’t anticipating. Market research can be as simple as conducting surveys locally or as advanced as hiring a market research company. Based on your budget, figure out which approach makes the most sense for your company.
  • Target Marketing: Now that you know who your customers are, you can market directly toward them. Depending on your company, you can employ either geographical- or customer-based marketing.
  • Develop a marketing program: According to, every marketing program has 4 key components: products and services, promotion, price, and distribution. Keep all these in mind as you work toward promoting your product. Decide which questions your customers will have and try to answer them within your marketing campaign. Always make your business available and accessible by phone and/or email. This article from offers an in-depth look at how to develop your marketing plan.
  • Go Viral: Online marketing is a growing and inexpensive way to make sure your products/services are prominently displayed for potentially millions of viewers. A good website can go a long way for a minimal investment of time and money.

These tips will help you market your small business so that you can gain customers and grow your business. Good luck with your new venture!

For more information on how we can help you, please contact us anytime.

3 Essential marketing tips for your small business




If you’re looking for the best marketing methods for your small business, you’re going to quickly find out that marketing has changed a great deal over the past few years. Whereas television commercials, radio ads and the yellow pages used to form the foundation of advertising, today everything is online. It’s important to know what pieces need to be in place in order to put together an effective Internet marketing campaign.

Tip #1: Get to Know Your Keywords

Keywords are essential if you want your website to be successful. Google AdWords offers an excellent tool that you can use to find out what the best keywords would be for your type of business. Or, alternatively you can just put yourself in the shoes of your customers. If you were a customer in search of the services and products that you offer, which keywords would you use when doing a Google search? Once you know those keywords, it’s important to have them in your website content.

Tip #2: Consider Hiring a Professional Writer

As a business owner, it’s difficult to take on all of the tasks of your job and do them all well. That’s why you hire employees, isn’t it? The same is true for your website content. A professional writer who understands search engine optimization (or SEO) and who will also take the time to get to know your business will produce excellent content for your website that will get you great search engine results.

Tip #3: Learn How to be Engaging on Social Media

Everyone who is anyone has a Facebook page, and it didn’t take long before businesses quickly jumped on the social media bandwagon. Social media offers you an excellent way to reach your customers and potential customers, but it won’t be useful for you unless you learn how to engage them properly. Running contests, asking questions and responding quickly to concerns are all great ways to engage with your audience on social media. The more you do it, the more you’ll grow as a business.

By putting these three tips together, you’ll create a successful marketing plan that will help your business grow quickly. As with any marketing plan, consistency is the key, so if you consistently use these tips, you’ll see growth in no time.

Making Sense of the New “SHOP” Health Insurance Exchanges




With so much press and coverage over the recent March 31 sign-up deadline for individual health care, a separate issue was greatly overshadowed: Not long from now, many small business owners will have to make a choice on whether they will enroll in their own health insurance exchange, and how they will offer healthcare coverage to their employees.

The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) program is set up in each state, and is designed to serve as a healthcare exchange for small businesses. So while the program is available now in paper form (with certain parts being delayed), it goes completely live for online enrollment coming sometime this fall.

Small business owners have been provided with several choices when deciding how to proceed.

1. Renew existing small group plan for two more years, even if the plan doesn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act.

2. The ability to replace existing coverage with a plan purchased on the SHOP exchange.

3. Discontinue coverage, and encourage employees to seek out coverage of their own provided through their state’s individual exchange.

Looking at the Numbers

The number of employees you maintain is a huge factor in how the SHOP exchange affects your business.

– For businesses with 25 or fewer employees (those who are not required to offer health care), if you choose to do so, there are many tax credits available to you.

– Though the enrollment period is currently open to businesses with fewer than 50 employees, those businesses are not required to offer health care under the Affordable Care Act to their employees.

– Businesses with more than 100 employees are required to provide coverage to their employees or face a fine beginning in 2015.

– Mid-sized business (50-99 workers) will be required to offer coverage beginning in 2016 or face a fine.

Unlike the individual coverage, the SHOP exchange is open to businesses year round because there is no open enrollment period.

To learn more about the SHOP marketplace, your options, credits, and qualifications for your small business, click here to visit’s FAQ page.

3 Customer Service Tips You Can Implement NOW



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One of the fastest ways to increase your sales, is to improve your customer service. The customer experience is incredibly crucial to repeat purchases and satisfaction, so it is imperative that your customer service to top notch. We will discuss 3 things you can do immediately to improve your customer service.iStock_000009612455XSmall_NOW

Way #1 Shorten Your Response Time

Nothing makes a bad customer service experience worse than a long time to get a response. When someone complains, get back to him or her immediately, even if it’s just to say, “Thank you for your feedback. I am looking into this and will get back to you.”  They want to know someone heard and someone is working on it. Set up expectations on response time internally for your team. Then adjust it based on what is actually happening.

Way #2 Don’t Flake

Now that you told the customer you’re looking into it and will get back to them, do it. Not getting back to them is about as bad as taking a long time to respond to their first contact. Utilize a tool such as Salesforce or use a ticket tracking system to record and notate conversations with customers. That way anyone can see the information and know exactly where your team is at with an issue. In Salesforce, tasks can be assigned to help your team stay organized and ensure they are not missing a follow up.

Way #3 Empathize and Sympathize

Whether a customer is upset or happy, people are happy when someone shares their experience or emotions. Connect with them somehow, and it will make things even better. Your customer service agents should reflect back to your customers and be sure to be relatable by taking ownership for any failures or problems. Your customers will appreciate it.

Please contact us for more Common Sense Customer Service Tips that can have an enormous impact on your business.

3 Tips To Good Customer Service



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customer-service2If you run a service based business or organization, you know how important it is to keep your customers happy.  Your brand depends on the quality of service your institution maintains.  If you can make a good first impression on someone you serve, chances are you have a loyal customer on your hands.  Customers like stability, security, and the peace of mind that comes with good service.  Let’s look at some tips that will help you exude good service in all aspects of your business.

1.  Customers Come First

You’ve surely heard the phrase “the customer is always right” before.  Well, it rings true in service based businesses.  If your customers want something, you go to great lengths to provide it.  Make an effort to pay attention to customers and ask them what what they want or need.  Let them know you care about what they think and feel.  You business can’t function without its customers—treat them well so they will want to come back.

2.  Listen To Complaints

No business owner likes to receive complaints.  However, complaints should be looked upon as chances to improve your service.  Don’t be angry at the customer for complaining—take personal responsibility for whatever caused them to feel neglected or dissatisfied.  Apologize for the mishap, even if the customer is in the wrong.  Always go out of your way to make sure the customer gets what they want.

3.  Set An Example For Your Employees

You have to be positive, humble, and likeable in the eyes of your employees.  If you carry out your role as business owner or manager correctly, your employees will follow your lead.  Be what you expect your workers to be and treat them with respect.  Treating employees with dignity will cause a chain reaction—you treat them well and they treat the customers well.  Managers can’t be everywhere at once.  Instead, you train your staff well so that you can rely on them to keep things running smoothly.

Providing good service starts with good leadership.  Be a beacon for positive change, listen to customers, and take action on anything they desire.  If you want to learn more about providing impeccable customer service, contact us to see what we can do for you!




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We hope everyone has a happy and safe Fourth of July! We cannot wait to spend the holiday with our Family and Friends. BBQ, Pool time, then enjoy the amazing  fireworks our small town puts on! What is your Fourth like?

Enjoy & Be Safe!

MyOpenJobs Staff


10Best: Fourth of July fireworks around the USA

HVAC Agent Plumbing Agent | Electrical Agent Facility Agent Just Dispatchers

Customer Satisfaction: It’s All About the Three C’s



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3csAre you practicing the three C’s of customer satisfaction? Never heard of them? Well, it may not be the most exciting group of words, or the most robust of topics, but without these three words, customers would never appreciate what you do for them.

They are:




Or as one consulting group says:

Consistency may be one of the least inspirational topics for most managers. But it’s exceptionally powerful, especially at a time when retail channels are proliferating and consumer choice and empowerment are increasing.

So how can you be consistent? Just follow these 3 steps.

Step 1. Listen

The more you listen to what your customers need, the easier it will be for you to provide them with their wishes. Which, in case you didn’t know, will boost your profitability beyond your wildest dreams. Just think of it as ROI (return on investment). Second, it will add to your customer retention. Listening to what your customers say will also help for you to provide consistent customer service on a regular basis.

Step 2. Act

You’ve heard the saying “do unto others as you would have them do,” right? Simply, act as you would like you customer to act, and treat them exactly as you would like to be treated. Give them a sunny disposition and you will get one back. This is an important factor in being consistent on an emotional level. A positive experience builds a lasting relationship and trust.

Step 3. Follow Through

Perhaps the easiest of the three, but it could also be one of the most important (if left out). Never make a promise to a customer that you cannot keep, and lways follow through with the goals you set for yourself and your employees. A let down customer is one that may not return. Consistently going out of your way to meet the expectations of your customers will drive sales and bolster relationships. It’s a guarantee.

So what are you waiting for? Institute the three C’s today!

Juggling a Family and a Career: How to Survive When It Seems Too Much




iStock_000011530814XSmall-300x249With the pressures of work and a lack of time to dedicate to family, it is not uncommon for hardworking individuals to find themselves having difficulty with juggling a family and a career: how to survive is often at the forefront of many people’s minds. This may especially be the case for you if you are accustomed to working alternative hours in shifts commonly found in dispatching careers. Whether you work a day, night or swing shift, there are many ways that you can ensure that your family and career both receive the attention and respect they deserve, in order to help you succeed both on the job and at home. Here are a few tips for juggling your family and career:

1. Be Present.

Whether it is at your job or at home, focus on what is important in each area. Give your best effort to both. If on the job, keep yourself organized so that you can provide the best possible service to your customers while staying on top of the workload. Dedicate time to family when home, and do things you enjoy together with them. Be sure to give yourself some quiet personal time as well.

2. Plan date nights or family outings ahead of time.

When something is scheduled, it is more likely to be kept. By scheduling a regular activity, you can plan it around your schedule for a day and time that you will feel the most relaxed, refreshed and excited.

3. Talk about your day with your family.

Help them understand what your day to day looks like so they take interest in what you do. Discuss how your day went so they can understand how you might be feeling, and help you refocus on the rest of the day.

4. Create a routine both at home and on the job.

Routines create patterns in our lives, allowing us to complete regular and often mundane tasks with speed and efficiency. Work with your family to set up a morning and evening routine, to quick finish necessary chores and tasks and allow for more free time at home. At work, consider the parts of your shift, time of day, or order of tasks that you are able to accomplish the most in, and work to follow a routine for the everyday actions.

Juggling family and a career can feel overwhelming at times. However by taking a few small steps at both the workplace and at home, it is possible to not only feel comfortable in both roles, but to enjoy what you are doing and cherish family time as well.


3 Awesome Limousine Service Marketing Ideas



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Running a Limo/Car Service can be a stressful affair, especially when you add to it marketing and advertising.hummer-h2-limo-06

On any given day you will be organizing and maintaining your fleet, keeping track of expenses, training and hiring staff (like drivers, dispatchers, and mechanics), and automating menial tasks while systematizing those that are periodic.

Who has time to brand themselves with all that going on? The answer is you do. Here are 3 great ideas to help you market your limousine service and maybe make a little extra money along the way.

Offer Exclusive Services

If you are the only limo service in your area, then great! This one is easy. But if you are faced with a stiff competition, keeping your head above water while remaining competitive can be an undertaking.

A great way to remain viable and profitable is to offer services that are exclusive to your brand. Things that clients will talk to their friends and family about. Here are some ideas:

– Red Carpet/VIP Service

– Red Roses Service

– Champagne Service

– Anyway to personalize and brand yourself

Client Appreciation Scripting

After booking, make it a point to confirm with your scheduled client personally via telephone. Make it the job of one of your skilled dispatchers. Never just send an email to confirm. This way, you can address any ways you can exceed your customer’s expectations, and provide them with one-of-a-kind amenities that may not receive from other limo services. Then, after the services are rendered, send a thank you letter. Customer retention her you come!

Partnering with Local Business

If you have been in business for a while, you now doubt know the owners and managers of local restaurants, which is perfect for this marketing idea. As you know, Monday through Thursday can be quite slow for a limo service. So what better time is there to get those limos on the road (for some free advertising)?

Contact some local restaurants and ask to do a cross-promotion for 15% off lunch or dinner, in exchange for 15% off of the client’s limo service. And once you get this agreement to work, don’t stretch yourself. You can easily turn the mid-week doldrums into extra profit with just the help of a one or two restaurants.


Click logo to visit


4 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Website This Week



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A lot of small business make a big mistake when it comes to their website: once it’s up, they leave it alone. All successful businesses maintain, update, and upgrade their websites regularly. Something that all small businesses with a web presence should be doing (1)

Here are 4 things you can do this week to improve your small business’ website.

1. About what? Take a close look at your About page. What does it say about who you are as a company? You may not think anyone cares about how you got started, who you serve, your employees, and so on, but trust us, they do. Put up photos, Google Maps directions, hours, history, etc.

2. A Picture is worth a thousand words. Photographs that are relevant to your business should be placed strategically around your website. But not just any photos, leave the stock photographs where they belong. Put up photos of things at your business, things you are proud of, your storefront, anything that helps a customer relate and want your services.

3. Statistic software solves problems. Software like Google Analytics can give you valuable insight into your customers. Like where they came from, what links they clicked, and what pages they view. There’s even a way to get very technical information if you have an account.

4. How does it look from over there? You may have created your website in Internet Explorer, but do you know how it look in Opera? Firefox? Chrome? What does it look like to a mobile user? Try finding your website on every platform to ensure it works, and looks like you intended it to. Or, for those who are strapped for time, check out Cross Browser Testing to do most of it at once.

When implemented correctly, these simple solutions can save you lots of time, generate leads, and increase customer flow. Which one will you do first?

5 Ways Managers Can Get the Best Customer Service from Their Dispatchers



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logoPerhaps one of the most important, and unsung factors of dispatching is making the caller comfortable on the other end of the line. When a dispatcher answers a call, they are representing an entire company. Which is why how a dispatcher handles customer service will make or break the perception of what the caller thinks.

Here are 5 great ways to get the best customer service from your dispatchers.

Proper Training 

It’s probably not going to help your business much if you set standards but don’t provide training to back them up. A solid training program, or a group of standard operating procedures, can help establish guidelines and ensure quality.

Recognize Excellence

Everyone wants to be told they are doing a good job when they are. Rewarding your employees for a job well done carries more weight than you think. Set up incentive programs for those who excel at customer service to motivate others.

Two-Way Communication

As a manager, you should always be looking for ways to improve great service, even if you think it’s already top quality. A perfect way of getting more from your dispatchers is to ask them how to make things smoother. A personal prospective from someone on the front line is more valuable than an opinion from a far.

Problems Should be Opportunities

From the start, objective problem-solving should have importance. The earlier you institute that problems are nothing more than obstacles to overcome and adapt to, the sooner everyone on board will think the same as you. And soon, problems will be a thing of the past.

Emphasize Interpersonal Skills

Communicating over the phone is no easy task. It takes time and training to excel at it. Which is why it should be viewed as the perfect way to develop your team, and less like a burden. Placing a focus on interpersonal skills among your team will help them to be better listeners and communicators.

4 Common Sense Customer Service Tips That Enhance Your Business



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In this modern age of online transactions and digital communication, one of the basics of business is frequently overlooked. Customer service is one of the aspects of business that is critically important, but so frequently it takes a back seat to efficiency and cheap prices. There are many customers out there that are glad to pay more if they know they will be getting great customer service. So what are some simple things your staff can do to better your customer service?

Acknowledge waiting customers. There’s nothing more annoying than feeling like you’re invisible, whether you’re in a store or waiting on hold on the phone. Everyone can understand that we all get busy from time to time, but the simple act of saying hello and that someone will be with you as soon as possible will gain you major points in the eyes of the customer. Yes, this is easy to do on the phone as well. I’m fairly certain no one likes those automated machines.

Make eye contact. This obviously only applies to in person transactions, but it makes a huge difference in the responsiveness of the customer. When you make eye contact, you connect with people and it’s such an infrequent occurrence in digital interaction today that it makes a world of difference.

Offer empathy. An upset customer is something no company wants, but it happens to everyone. The way that you handle an upset customer can mean the difference between a brand basher and a brand ambassador. One way to disarm upset customers is to be empathetic to their situation. So often they get on the phone, ready for a fight and when you concede and share their frustration, suddenly you’re on their side.

Follow up. This is one thing that never fails to make me a fan of a company. I love getting a follow up email or even call to make sure that I’m happy with my experience. It’s proactive and empowering and that’s a great way to make your customers feel.

While it might seem that customer service is pretty simple, these very basic practices rarely make it into daily interactions with customers.


Please contact us to learn more Common Sense Customer Service Tips that can make a huge impact on your bottom line.

5 Easy and Uncomplicated Social Media Tips For Your Small Business



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social2Social Media and your small business… how much thought have you given it? If the answer is not much, it’s time for a crash course on how using social media can improve everything from customer relations, to inventory purchasing, to branding. But first, the basics:


SEO gets thrown around a lot when people start talking about social media and marketing. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and when people refer to improving your SEO, what they mean is the steps a business takes online for their business website to be found. Pretty simple concept. Just remember, however, that the days of old in terms of how SEO works changed this year. You can read more on that here.

Social Media SEO

Social media SEO builds on the basic SEO concept by adding to it the idea that social media links and online interactions play a role in website ranking — the idea referring to where your website shows up after a search. This stems from the term you’ve likely heard called optimizing content, wherein a stronger social media SEO strengthens your page ranking.

So with the definitions out of the way, here are 5 easy ways you can use social media to benefit your small business.

1. Create a Google+ page. You may have heard negative things, but having a Google+ page for your small business is like adding a cherry to the top of your online presence.

2. Use Pinterest. It’s really that simple. Set up a Pinterest page, it’s great for link-building and creating and improving your keyword strategy (optimization).

3. Think about how your Facebook page appears to mobile users. Because smartphones run social media. In fact, 91% of all local searches say they use Facebook to find local business. Don’t have a Facebook page? Now’s the time to start one.

4. Optimize all of your online social media content. Do this by always including some form keywords in your posts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) relevant to people finding your business online.

5. Your social media profiles should carry strong optimizers that are SEO-friendly and increase your web-presence. Do this by always filling out the “About Me” sections with words that describe your business, and also serve as search engine terms.

What are you waiting for? Get started today!


Trucking Dispatchers: Stand out as a better Applicant

Trucking Dispatchers

Set yourself apart when looking for dispatching jobs, by knowing how to work well with drivers and use various tools. Trucking dispatchers can use these tips to keep business, and working relationships, running smoothly:

Don’t Overextend Drivers

Drivers need to stay within the legal hours of operation, so know and understand the rules when looking for a job. Trucking Dispatchers should never put drivers in a position where the only two choices are to be late for a delivery or to break the law to get there on time.

Don’t just look at mapping software and assume that the ten hours it should take to get there is accurate. Truck drivers need to eat, drink, use the restroom, and take breaks. Traffic and other issues can play a role as well. All of these things take time. Keep these and other issues in mind when determining when to set appointments or when letting a customer know what time the truck will arrive.

Be aware of unforeseen Issues

Drivers are out there on the road. They know if the weather is slowing things down in front of them, if there’s an accident, if there is a lot of traffic in a particular area, if they need to stop for fuel, and more. Trucking dispatchers can’t be aware of everything that is happening on the road, so ask. By knowing how to use this information, you will be better prepared than other applicants.

Make yourself a reliable Resource for Drivers

This is another good area in which to set yourself apart from other trucking dispatchers. Know how and where to find important information. If a driver calls to ask for directions, which resources will you have available? Can you easily access directions that include trucking routes? You don’t want to send a truck down a road that has a low-clearance bridge or weight limit that will create an obstacle.

Can you quickly check weather, road conditions, and road closures? Many drivers have some tools that help out in these areas, or they communicate with other drivers, but there are still times when they will need your help. It’s much easier for you to find this information from the comfort of your office. Never let a trucker get stranded on the side of the road due to bad information or your inability (or refusal) to help.

Answer the call. Be the dispatcher that truckers want working with them.

Coping with Workers Comp and Your Small Business

Nearly every business, from the smallest employer to General Motors is required by the federal government to carry worker’s comp insurance.  Most states make purchasing worker’s compensation a requirement; part of the cost of doing business just like having an inventory and an accountant are part of the costs of doing business. How can you satisfy the need to carry worker’s comp and maintain the budget of your small business?

Exceptions to the requirement are sole proprietorships and partnerships. In most situations, these businesses are not required to have worker’s compensation insurance if the owner and co-owners are the only people working for the company.

The actual purpose of worker’s compensation insurance is to protect workers who may become injured or ill while on the job so those employees will not lose a paycheck and will have medical costs covered.   Although the specifics vary to some extent in every state, one thing most businesses feel is some pressure and challenge related to the expense of carrying this insurance.  The insurance protects the employee and can protect the business from going bankrupt if an employee is injured or sick on the job.

Worker’s compensation insurance pays for the coverage of medical expenses, death benefits, lost wages, and vocational rehabilitation.  The biggest benefit of worker’s compensation to the employer is that once an employer begins to receive worker’s compensation for an injury or illness, those benefits are in place until the worker is better.

Because it is impossible to how much an injury or illness will ultimately cost, it would be impossible for a business to make an accurate budget if there were not limitations to the amount money an employer will have to pay for an employee injured on the job.  A company may literally have no worker’s compensation claims, and then have a claim that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.  With worker’s compensation, the company will know what their own ceiling is while also knowing that the employee will have coverage helping to plan an accurate budget.

Another benefit to the business is that subcontractors and others who come to a work site are covered by worker’s compensation insurance.  The business which has purchased the insurance is responsible for the work site, and without the insurance they might be liable for the subcontractor who is injured on site.

We live in a litigious age and worker’s compensation insurance offers an employer protection against most lawsuits regarding on-the-job-illness and injuries.  In some situations, a lawsuit can drag out long enough that paying legal fees can make a major and negative impact on a business’s bottom line.

Although some businesses complain that paying worker’s compensation insurance is one of the more difficult parts of staying open, the alternative could be devastating.  Better to pay the insurance and avoid fines and penalties, and ensure that employees are taken care of in the event of an accident or similar event at work.

Please contact us if you have further questions.

The Dispatcher Market

Dispatcher market (non 911/ems)

When one thinks of a “dispatcher” one might imagine the calm voice at the other end of emergency calls, but there are many different fields which rely on dispatch professionals to properly handle matters of communication and information management.

A dispatcher can work for taxi services, in the healthcare field, for shipping and delivery services, in public utilities, for airlines, and more. Depending on the line of work, dispatchers may be responsible for tracking goods or equipment, coordinating transportation schedules, monitoring calls, or receiving and relaying messages. With so many professions in need of dispatchers and such a vast array of skill sets, dispatch jobs are often available.

But how does the dispatcher market look?

Estimates by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that, as of May 2013, over 180,000 people are currently holding dispatch jobs (not including those in emergency or police services) with an average hourly wage ranging from $13.00 to $19.00 per hour. Some of the higher-paying positions, such as those in natural gas distribution or railway transportation, have an average rate of $25.00 per hour!

Projected employment rates suggest the dispatcher market will increase with the average rate of the job market overall. So while that doesn’t mean a huge spike in demand, it does mean stability.

So don’t be intimidated if working in emergency services doesn’t seem like a good fit for you. As long as you have fantastic communication skills, value organization, and can work on a flexible schedule, dispatching could be a diverse career move to fit your skill sets just right. If you want more information or would like to see what the current market looks like in your area, visit Just Dispatchers today to check your local listings today!

General industry info/news/ tips on Dispatchers and what it means as a job

The general industry info/news/ tips on dispatchers is quite simple and means more then just something to do. In a way it is a chance to help people. When people are planning a trip and need to get to the airport, bus, or train station they call a service. Whether it be taxi, limo, or car which ever they prefer it all starts with a phone call. So they can make sure that they get there in time and safely. This starts with a dispatcher. When a call is made the dispatcher then chooses who to call based on location and time. This is very important part of customer service and making sure that your company stands out due to on time arrival.

There is a lot that can be said about being a dispatcher. It is the system of a well planned and thought out process in which it is up to you and they drivers that are on duty to get someone to a destination safe. They depend on you to get them were they need to go. Just like a will oiled machine dispatchers is the ones that keep it going. Without them driver wouldn’t know where to go.

And its just not for cab, limo, or car service. It also includes delivery and trucking as well. To plan out a delivery as well as pick ups a long the way take a great deal of planning and looking forward to see how to get the most done with the time that you are given. As for trucking they will need to know where they need to make the delivery to so you are there with all the information needed make that happen.

Dispatching is a lot more then just sitting down and taking calls. It a job were planning and communication are a key components to making a business work properly.

For more information of dispatcher jobs, please contact us.

Salaries for Transportation Dispatchers Are A Mixed Bag This Year

Last year, we reported that transportation dispatchers earned $38,450 per year, or $18.49 per hour. These professionals ensure that vehicles, equipment, and people reach their destination to perform maintenance, repairs or installation. (They don’t include fire, police or ambulance dispatchers who work with emergency and non-emergency calls.)

Average pay this year is up to $39,100 annually, or $18.80 hourly, says the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The range of salaries has also increased, starting from under $21,700 to over $60,090 per year, which equals $10.43 to $28.89 per hour.

  • The best paying industry remains the same: aerospace product and parts manufacturing. However, mean salaries dropped by just over 1 percent to $61,230 annually, or $29.44 hourly. Natural gas distribution rises from third to second place, averaging an annual $57,820, or $27.80 per hour. Debuting in third is the U.S. Postal Service, with mean pay of $55,890 per year, or $26.87 per hour.
  • The top-paying states differ this year. North Dakota leads with mean salaries at $48,180 per year, or $23.16 per hour. Alaska is next, averaging $45,990 annually, or $22.11 hourly. Last year’s best-paying state, Nebraska drops to third with mean wages at $45,180 a year, or $21.72 an hour.
  • City salaries have increased. Napa, California, moves up to first from second for pay, averaging $55,950 yearly, or $26.90 hourly. San Jose, in the same state, drops from first to second, with a mean salary of $53,250 per year, or $25.60 per hour. New on the list is Sandusky, Ohio, in third, averaging $53,050 annually, or $25.51 hourly.

Transportation dispatchers typically only need a high school diploma and are trained by their employers. If you’re interested in working at any of these positions, please contact us.