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It’s the age old dilemma: how to have a successful career and maintain a happy and healthy relationship with your family. This is a problem that working men and women face, and those who work odd hours such as nights, weekends, and holidays often struggle to find balance more than those who work a straight 8-5 job. A dual income household can find themselves at their wits ends, thinking there just aren’t enough hours in the day to handle everything on their to-do list. The good news is, there are some ways to manage everything on your plate and still have time to relax with your family. Here are 3 tips for how to survive juggling a family and career:
  1. Prioritize Family Events: This might be easier said than done, but it’s important to prioritize which family events you can attend and which will have to go on without you. If your kids are on a sports team that plays games during a time you are normally scheduled to work, it just isn’t feasible for you to try to be there at every game. Instead, see if you can get the day off, or even take a vacation day if you have to, for the most important game. The same thought process goes for birthday parties, weddings, etc. Figure out what you absolutely cannot miss and make every attempt to be at those events. Your family will understand that your work schedule just doesn’t allow you to be at everything, but adjusting your work schedule for the most important events ensures that you don’t miss out on everything.
  2. Set Boundaries: Unless you have a pressing work emergency, all work should remain at work. Don’t check your emails when you’re at home, and don’t take business calls that can wait until you’re back in the office. The same rule goes the other way: when you’re at work, avoid dealing with family issues or holding personal calls. Work is work, home is home, and setting boundaries is an important step in maintaining a separation.
  3. Hire it out: Work with your partner to see what extra housework can be done by someone else so that you can spend more time as a family. Cleaning services can make a big difference in how your house looks and feels, and you can spend your family time together instead of scrubbing floors. Grocery shopping can now be done online, and there are even services that provide fully cooked home made meals to take home and heat up. Lawn service is another very reasonably priced option to consider, particularly during the summer months. Decide with your family and partner what you can afford to hire out in order to have more quality time together.

Having a career and family can be great. Use these tips to start organizing your life so that you can be happy and fulfilled both at home and at work.